July 2, 2019 - July 12, 2019

Part of The Living is Easy: a series of projects by Struts & Faucet members.
Izzy Francolini is a multidisciplinary artist and yarn dyer, based in Sackville, New Brunswick. Their work often explores queerness and gender identity, surrounding natural environments, and color.
What Is Your Favorite Color is an exploration of color theory. How do we relate to, view and understand color? A call was put out asking a simple question: what is your favorite color? All answers were documented, and can be seen in the coming book work. Francolini then went around, finding and photographing colors listed. These colors are then removed from their initial context. What happens when we remove a color, and it’s associated emotional and personal connections, from the context? How does the viewer see these colors? What happens when color is photographed? Do participants who answered the call perceive the color they named in the same way as the artist? Did participants list similar colors, or is one color dominant?
A closing reception for Francolini’s work What Is Your Favorite Color will be held on Friday, July 12th from 5:00-7:00 PM at 7 Lorne Street.