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Member Project | PUPPET PIECES: A Collaboration Between a Puppet and Their Cat | Emma Delaney

Updated: May 27, 2021

November 20, 2019 - December 7, 2019

If I tell myself I am not lonely anymore, I will not be lonely. I can not be lonely because I am too focused on putting my pieces back together. Please don’t help me, I don’t need help. I am a big puppet now. It is my responsibility to put my pieces back together, so I can move and walk and live my life. Thank you for respecting my limbs, they are so fragile. I can break very easily, please don’t drop me. I’ve been dropped before and I nearly fell apart. Don’t make me fall to pieces again. This puppet needs some rest.

Let me fall asleep fast so I don’t have to think about how my pieces still aren’t together and I am just laying here alone.

Emma Delaney is an interdisciplinary artist, based in Sackville, New Brunswick, where she is currently completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Mount Allison University. Over the past year, she has been creating a body of work entitled ‘The Lonely Disco’. This series has been an exploration of drag performance, creative writing, drawing, installation, and puppeteering. Delaney’s work ‘Puppet Pieces: A Collaboration Between a Puppet and Their Cat’ is located inside of the Tingley Bros safe at 7 Lorne Street. The Tingley Gallery is a space dedicated to showing work by Struts & Faucet members.


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