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Open Studio | Mac and Cheese Potluck | Sonali Menezes

Updated: May 29

Saturday, June 1, 12- 2pm

All hungry humans welcome


Join artist in residence Sonali Menezes for a macaroni and cheese drop-in potluck lunch.


Here's how it will work: Sonali will make two large pots of mac and cheese. One standard pot with dairy milk, one separate vegan gluten free pot. She will provide some of her favourite toppings which include: frozen peas, veggie ground 'beef', and fresh basil. You are invited to attend in your pajamas or sweatpants. Bring your kids, and your neighbour and your grandma. Bring your favourite toppings for mac and cheese to share with other attendees and a utensil to serve it. Make sure to clearly label your food container with what your topping is. Most importantly, bring your own bowl and spoon.

When you arrive, fill your bowl up with mac and cheese and add any or all of the available toppings and dig in. We will discuss our favourite macaroni and cheese topping combinations together and give our creations names. If Sonali really likes your topping combination, it may be included in the book she's been working on during her residency called Depression Cooking. 

Accessibility: Weather permitting, this event will have seating available outside as well as inside.



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