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Open Studio | Alex Balkam

October 16 - November 20

Welcome Cinq-à-Sept: Friday, October 25, 5-7pm

Alex Balkam is a member of Wasoqopa'q First Nation based out of Soqmkiknuk, Mi'kma'ki (Shelburne, NS). A visual and media artist, his work has been featured at major festivals across Canada. Integrating research in Mi'kmaw oral, material and visual culture within a contemporary artistic practice, Alex works in a variety of media, including brain-tanning, analogue film, oil painting and sculpture.

This residency will be primarily focused on the significance of qalipu / caribou in Mi'kmaw history and culture. Inspired by his time as a Cultural Interpreter stewarding the petroglyphs of Kejimkujik National Park — including depictions of qalipu/caribou — this residency considers the local extinctions of once great qalipu herds across Mi'kma'ki. Brain-tanned deer hide may offer a lament for the introduction of white-tailed deer and the brain-worm they carried into caribou home ranges. Hand-processed analogue film offers a visual ode to the remains of caribou habitat within Siknikt. 

Alex welcomes community members to engage with his practice during gallery hours.

Save the date - All ages workshop with Alexander on Saturday, November 16. Details forthcoming.


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