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SUBMIT | Help us build a Community photo archive!

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

A digital collage of fifteen photos tiled together, under the black header "COMMUNITY." Each one features various local figures in front of/inside/or participating at Struts Gallery - a two level brick building with 3 second floor windows and a bright yellow facade.

Help us build a community photo archive!

With the launch of our new website we're excited to introduce the Community page, which was conceived of as a way to document the vibrancy of the Struts community.

Help us reminisce and capture the energy of Struts and the spirit of the extended community. We're asking members to dig deep into their personal photo archives for images of openings, workshops, events, BBQs, Karaoke nights, and any other fond memories!

How to submit your images:

  • File type: .jpeg

  • Year photo was taken (can be approximate).

  • Note the event it was taken at, if you can recall.

  • Provide names of people pictured where possible (please only submit images taken at Struts Gallery or affiliated events).

  • Your first and last name, for the photo credit.

  • Send to info [at} strutsgallery [dot} ca with the subject COMMUNITY.



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